We back baby!

Okay sort of!


Gimme a high five cause we back buddy!!!!

I hope you’re having a good Valentine's Day and if you're not just know you’re my Valentine by being a loyal reader! Before I left y’all I made a bunch of resolutions or promises on how I’m gonna sort out this newsletter and come back bigger and better! To be frank I’m not fully sorted still on what to do but I missed everyone so much that I decided to drop a little newsletter today. At least I’m back and better than before so not completely a wash.

It’s only mid-February so we got time don’t worry. Statistically though by this time of year, most people have abandoned all their New Year resolutions so by still forming my goals for the year I mathematically am doing better since I technically haven’t dropped my resolutions yet. One thing I’ve noticed is people tend to have way too many goals for the year. However, some of the most successful people tend to focus on very few things even though you may think they have so many opportunities available to them. Mr. Beast, for example, the biggest Youtuber ever who runs almost a three billion-dollar empire, has said his focus is on four things for this year. Bro runs an empire but is focusing on four things. I’m broke and I tried to do like 30 things last year (this newsletter being one of them).

For 2024 I’m going to focus on four things as well. It seems like a good number:

  • Lift more

  • Dance more

  • Make more content

  • Grow my own business

Now there’s certainly a lot more that goes into doing those items but they also don’t have defined benchmarks that may haunt me near the end of the year. If you’re still on track with your goals let me know by replying to this email. If you’ve fallen off the wagon, get back on and focus down on to something more manageable, and let me know what those are!

What does this mean for this newsletter?

Well first off I’m going to keep doing this but will only hold myself to doing this at least once a month. I’ll probably send more but at least I’ll shoot for one a month just so I don’t feel that pressure to send something out. I’m also going to be more unserious. When I first started I intended to be mostly serious as I looked at pop culture through a business lens but where’s the fun in that? So I’m going to be a little bit more unserious maybe a little bit unhinged. I’ll probably still talk about pop culture but I might look into other things. The world is our oyster and I’m not allergic to shellfish. Hopefully, you're not either. I’ll also probably keep things shorter and figure out how to link out to another place for longer stories we run.

If you’ve made it this far I appreciate you for sticking around! Let me know what you think of my new ideas and if you like this share it with a friend. Since this newsletter isn’t as pertinent to me right now my goal isn’t mass growth but hey I’d still love some new readers!

This week has been a goldmine of Pop Culture so I might be back sooner than you want!